Wireless Internet Security Camera N150
WL-405 v1 001
My Wi-Fi Home Cam cannot see my home network. What now?
My Wi-Fi Home Cam cannot see my home network. What now?
Temporarily place the Wi-Fi Home Cam close to the modem/router you are trying to connect to, just for the installation. Wait until it appears in the list of available Wi-Fi networks.
Something else you can try is to set the modem/router to a different Wi-Fi channel. Check the manual for your modem/router to learn how. There may be less interference on the new channel, in which case the Wi-Fi Home Cam may now be able to find your home network.
Did this work? Then reset the Home Cam. You can do this by holding the reset button for 3-5 seconds. This is shown below.
Home Cam Twist reset button Home Cam Mini reset button
Wait until the Home Cam has rebooted. The LED is now a steady purple.
Now perform the installation again (see manual).
If you still do not see your home network in the list of available Wi-Fi networks, temporarily place the Home Cam closer to the modem/router you are trying to connect to.
Reboot your modem/router.
This can also be a useful way to resolve various Wi-Fi problems. You can do this by disconnecting the power cable from your modem/router and then plugging it in again after ten seconds. Wait a few minutes until the modem/router has restarted.
Please also note: The Wi-Fi Home Cam does not support 5GHz. So make sure you connect to the 2.4GHz network.